with your latte

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Words that Encourage (click here to listen)

Our word Encourage literally means to put something into someones heart (that is their mind)

What do you say - or "PUT IN" to your children, your family or even you subordinates? Is your correction designed to encourage them, support them, give them confidence to do better or do your words simply tare down and assault their character and abilities to perform to your level of expectation. When you and I speak we are putting something into someones heart...more

Friday, November 16, 2007

Should Christians Vote for a Mormon?

so we have a mormon running for the prez job. actually i believe the preferred term of our friends from utah is L.D.S (ladder day saints). before I begin let me give the disclaimer. i will not be endorsing any candidate. what i am going to address here is whether or not i think christians should worry about having a Mormon - sorry - an LDS as the leader of the free world... perhaps the better question would be why not. right up front i will say that the fact that mr. romney has some very different theological beliefs as me, these differences would not be a deterrent for me. BLASPHAMY!?! ...read the whole thing

You think Madison Avenue has an image and the church doesn't?

Madison Ave is "worldly" (whatever that has come to mean)."Driver, take me to our latest creation - (in the name of Jesus of course). I want to go to Christian Ave."

Christian Avenue is the ONLY place on the planet where you can have your pick of gaudy furniture that would only be used in a Christian setting. Christianize dictionaries and robotic responses from those that we trade with are readily available so you can feel good about shopping there. ...More

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

86,400 opportunities every day! (click here to listen)

It takes only a second to say, “Thank you.” Of the 86,400 opportunities you will have today to say, “Thank you,” how many of them will you choose to take advantage of? How many lives will you cheer up by this simple sign of appreciation? ...more

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Achieving Your Goals - as simple as oil and water (click here to listen)

Zig Ziggler once compared goals to an old hand operated water pump on an old farm well. He said that as a boy he would pump and pump just waiting on the water. If you stop pumping, he went on to say, the water goes back down and you have to start again. You never know where the water is in the pipe so you just pump until the water finally comes to the top. But once it's at the top all you have to do is keep a nice steady pressure on it to have more water than you could ever need...more

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Christian and Halloween (part 2)

Halloween is just one example of a major issue I have with the church; that is "different = separate." Just look at the life of Jesus how he never found time for "church" people unless he was training them to get among the "sinners." He found company in prostitutes, tax collectors and others. I can't imaging Jesus doing anything less then allowing those costumed children of Halloween to come to Him to be loved and blessed and yes - even receive a piece of candy. Don't we give the church kids snacks on Sunday mornings and at church socials? view the rest

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween, RUN CHURCH RUN!

I am not happy about the way the mighty army of The Living God handles Halloween –“Satan’s Day.” As Christians usually do, we hide. Many went home turning off their lights indicating that the evil children of darkness, those that are caught up in the Devil’s web, are not welcome here! The evil of this night must move past us. We are way too holy to be close something and someone so unclean. What if “these whom we do not speak of” see us or worse touch us! We will get a demonic impartation? ...more