with your latte

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

By THIS shall all men know that you are my disciples (part 2)

Next, Jesus spoke of a woman who had a valuable coin that went missing. There is some controversy surrounding the coin and why it was so valuable. Some say it was the precious metal itself. Some historians have said that the coin(s) where given by the temple priest to the “virgin” each year. When she went to be married, she presented the coins as a token of both her value to him and how valuable he is to her. Either way, she lost something of great value and searched until it was found. That’s how God sees you and me. Whether you loosing your way were your own fault, as in the first story, or by the fault of another as in this story, you are of great value to God. read the whole article

Saturday, August 25, 2007

By THIS shall all men know that you are my disciples (part 1)

Jesus was identifying the one undeniable fact that would separate those that are His. This came to mind for me a few months ago when I received a strange email. Caring for both my own personal website plus the church's web site have brought some odd email before. But this one was different. This email asked a question that only one person on planet earth would have known to ask. This email came from my friend Carl more

Monday, August 20, 2007

I have proof....God makes mistakes

Over the years, there have been several things that have caused me to question the idea that God makes no mistakes. Take mosquitoes for example. Better still, we here in South Georgia have gnats. We even have a local community that has an annual Gnat Day! I am serious about that. But surely, even the gnat has a place in our eco-system. more

Friday, August 17, 2007

invest before you invite

Before Jesus invited Peter to go with Him, Jesus invested into Peter's business of fishing and then simply offered Peter an invitation. First He invested – then He invited Peter. We have a bad tendency to invite and then invest once we know that they are “with us.” I wonder where in our church history we got this backwards?
read more here

Friday, August 3, 2007

Recidivism - Do you have this problem?

do you ever do the wrong thing over and over again? The Apostle Paul did as well, (see Romans 7). This is a very common occurrence in the prison system. It is so frequent that there is a name for it: Recidivism. It was a new word for me too. I was somewhat glad to see that I was not alone in the world that didn't have daily issue to deal with. I began to pray about this matter, I asked the Lord to show me in His word a way to defeat this enemy. Was I going to be bound for ever? Is it true that once a sinner always a sinner? What to do... Acts 9, the well known conversion chapter of Paul, has the key...more