with your latte

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How did I ever live without you

I know you love her -
but perhaps it is best to tell her no
Watch the 3 minute video

1 comment:

John Panico said...


Good points. I take 1 unwired weekend a month where I don't touch the computer, no social media updating and just spend it with my wife and friends. No distractions.

The first time I told my boss, I apologized for not keeping up over the weekend. I thought there might be some repurcussion. There wasn't.

In fact, both bosses approved and condoned the practice.

So, don't let fear get in the way of spending some time with your family. As always, thanks for the thoughts.

They provoke me to think about things that perhaps I should be thinking about more.

PS- Glad to see you are back making videos