with your latte

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Why did the ark float?

The Lord told Noah exactly how He wanted that boat to be built. He told Noah, "and this is the way you are to make it." God took into consideration how long this enormous project would take, how much it would cost, and what purpose it would serve in the future. 
Imagine if Noah seasoned the ship with a few of his own ideas. When Noah was told to "pitch" (or seal) the great ship - what if he took a couple of short cuts? Did Noah really need to water seal all the seams on all decks? What if we save a little lumber and reduce the number of compartments to save The Lord a few dollars? And, if it was going to rain, why in the world would we build a window? I bet once those animals got in there they were happy that the window was nearby. By the way, did you know that the word translated pitch or covering comes from the Hebrew word most often used in the bible to describe the atoning act of the sacrifice? That was a free-be.
You see, Noah's ark did not float because he was a master shipbuilder. Noah did not have a naval career or a degree from M.I.T. to fall back on. Noah had something better - a blueprint from God! Noah built his ministry by "divine design"
Let me ask, "Do you want you're life to float in the worst of storms?" If your answer is yes, then your ministry and your family in addition to anything else that you may have under construction must be built by God's standards. I have never seen a family sink when storms came IF the leaders in that family turned to the scriptures to find their answers to their questions. Never in my ministry have I seen a divorce where the husband was truly, "loving the wife as Christ loved the church and giving himself for her," and that the wife was honoring the husband in his role as the head of the relationship. I have seen churches split NOT over the color of carpet or weather or not the church should permit tongues or not. The reason churches split is because its people do not "consider others above themselves." 
Can you imagine a car salesman that sold in with the same dignity as Daniel? What did Daniel say in the first chapter of the booked named for him? In essence he said, ‘look, if you will let us eat and do what is in accordance with the divine design of God, we will be healthy and wise.' My friend that is exactly what happened. Those who followed the dietary plan of God grew to be noticeably healthier and wiser. Imagine your sales at an all time high! How will you respond at the meetings when you are asked, "how are you out performing everyone in you area?" Will you answer be that you are running your business by divine design? I was selling cars during the 911 attacks. Although business was notably slower for a season, my family never lacked. We never stopped believing that God had thing under control. We continued our giving. Why? Giving is the "divine design" method of receiving. 
I submit that we can advance the Kingdom of God in any career we are working at, whether we are the worker on the floor of the processing plant or the leader of the free world, we can shine with enthusiasm knowing that the Lord God is directing our steps. Wouldn't all of our sociological questions be answered if we allowed the Lord to establish the definition of family and of life? How well we could learn if we, as fathers, didn't "provoke our children to become angry people"? 
Jesus said that a wise man builds his house upon a rock. What is a rock (as He contrasted) to a foundation of sand? Well, we know it wasn't the storm. The storms and floods were the constant factors for both builders, the difference lays at the foundation. The rock is Jesus himself. Listen friends, as a pastor I have many opportunities to speak into the lives of those who are facing financial, emotional and physical floods. My counsel is sometimes as simple as quoting David by saying "trust in the Lord and do good," ...and build your life by divine design. 


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